Monday, December 17, 2007

George Michael - vindicated

Karl T brings the toe-curling appearance of Tony Blair in George Bush's video about his dog, with the following observation:

You might remember the hissy fits thrown in certain circles when George Michael's video for 'Wag the Dog' cast Tony Blair as George Bush's pet dog.

This was of course, totally untrue. Tony Blair is in fact George Bush's pet dog's confidant/mentor. I know it's Christmas and everything, but for fuck's sake...

Whoever knew that Michael was over-estimating the importance of Blair to the Bush government? It is just one step away from being held in a cage dangling from the ceiling of a psychopath's sky-boat, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I'm so incredibly embarrassed on Blair's behalf. I know, I know, he made his bed...but there was a while back when he seemed to have a brain and a spine and all that. From 2001 onward, I was actually quite jealous of the Brits for having a leader so endowed.

Anonymous said...

just ran across your site - fantastic! keep up the great work! (sorry, off topic)

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