How did you spend Christmas, Shane McGowan?
You have to feel a pang of sympathy for Shane McGowan. Having reached his 50th birthday - against, it should be noted, enormous odds - on Christmas Day, he might have expected some praise. A reassessment of his career. Perhaps a South Bank Show special.
Instead, he ended up doing this. On his 50th Birthday. On TV:
And we know it's possibly being a little over-sensitive, but is it really all that funny to replace a woman who died in the sea with a person dressed up as a beluga whale?
UPDATE: This has returned to YouTube:
There's nothing remotely funny about Harry Fucking Hill, whether dressed as an aquatic mammal or not. The mere sight of the gurning little twat makes me want to punch kittens.
And breathe...
Where's the Showband-obit?
I feel no sympathy whatsoever - presumably the gun held to McGowan's head was just out of camera shot? And as for the replacement of Kirsty with a whale - yes, you are being ridiculously oversensitive.
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