Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jo lie-ly: slight return

More news of low-level fibbing from the Jo Whiley show: in addition to the previously revealed pre-recorded competition, today the BBC have announced she did it again:

In a programme which was pre-recorded to permit essential engineering work in Radio 1's studios, listeners were invited to enter a competition that had already been recorded with an on-air participant who was a listener who had expressed an interest in entering the competition the previous day. Although this person was a genuine member of the audience, the name of a second participant, mentioned on air, was invented, and listeners had been invited to telephone and text when in reality there was no opportunity to participate.

This breach occurred three weeks after the previously reported breach on this programme.

The problem here is that it's a small lie, but a pointless one - and one which we're not entirely sure is explained away by "engineering work", come to that. They couldn't find a studio which wasn't being worked on? A spare one at Radio 2, for example?

And since the engineering work must have been pre-booked (otherwise they wouldn't have known to record the competition in advance) why did they book it in for during the day when a DJ was supposed to be doing live competitions from the studio?

Russell Brand is also fingered for having a BBC staffer call in to a pre-record.

Again: it's frustrating because it's hard to see what would have been lost had these programmes just fessed up that they were on tape, rather than going to elaborate lengths to try and pretend they were live.

1 comment:

Olive said...

Do I understand this correctly? Radio One faked the results of competitions that didn't even need to have been run? Competitions that the gen. pub. couldn't even enter? Is it possible for a radio station to suffer from mythomania?

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