Monday, February 04, 2008

Coffee shops? Whatever next? Selling online

We suspect it's only half ContactMusic's fault that they've managed to turn out such a rotten article about Erykah Badu's new album, as it looks like they've just reworked a press release, but even so, you'd think they'd have at least read what they were publishing:

ERYKAH BADU is to undertake an innovative new marketing strategy for her forthcoming live album...

Really? What could that be, then?
...she is releasing the LP through branches of Starbucks coffee shops.

Oh. That would be innovative in the sense that it's the first time a live album by Erykah Badu has been marketed in this way. Because haven't Starbucks been flogging albums for about ten years?

Blithely, ContactMusic ctrl-vs the whole thing, including the contention that allowing your album to be sold by one of the major high street forces for music retail is a
daring move
Yes; for an artist of Badu's stature to be doing this when usually the chain is forced to rely on untested names like Paul McCartney, Joni Mitchell and Alanis Morisette.

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