Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sorry, did you say 'tribute'? We heard 'nasty marketing campaign stunt'.

Converse - with the full blessing of Courtney Love - are to launch a Kurt Cobain plimsole. We say full blessing, clearly it could only have been given one-handed as the other would have been counting the money.

In a press release, Converse said: "To honour Cobain, in May, Converse will debut their Kurt Cobain collection of shoes featuring artwork and scribbles borrowed from Cobain's personal notebooks.

"It will mark a central part of the year-long 100th Anniversary 'Welcome to the Converse Century' celebration."

Aha. It's an honour for your corpse to dug up, and your personal diaries ransacked in order to help sell some overpriced training shoes. An honour right up there with 'having someone piss through your letterbox'.


Anonymous said...

Courtney Love once told a friend of mine (and I quote) "Honey, 'sold out' just means there are no tickets left."

Speaks for itself, really.

Anonymous said...

This is of course entirely consistent with what she said when Dr Martens did an advert featuring Kurt without asking anyone first:

"Courtney had no idea this was taking place and would never have approved such a use. She thinks it's outrageous that a company is allowed to commercially gain from such a despicable use of her husband's picture."

Whereas commercially gaining whilst sharing the loot with the ex-wife from a despicable use of her husband's picture is another matter entirely.

Anonymous said...

The depressing thing abou this is that people will buy the damn things.

M.C. Glammer said...

I'm reminded of the proposed Cobain beer. It was bitter with no head.


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