Monday, June 23, 2008

Everything is just noise

We could be scabby about the new Verve single* but, in the spirit of fairness, you could make up your own mind: Love Is Noise is streaming off of their MySpace now.

Zane Lowe claims he was blown away after thirty seconds, although nothing happens at the half minute mark that hadn't already been happening.

* If we were going to be scabby, we'd suggest it was the sort of song a band who knew they once wrote tracks that were better than anyone would have ever expected trying to desperately remember how it is they did it; it's like watching someone who won a lottery jackpot trying to win it back after they'd burned through the cash, confusing a lucky break with innate talent.

And didn't the United Nations mandate that if love is anything, it's a Big Scary Animal?


Anonymous said...

I don't have much cause to visit The Verve's MySpace as a rule, so imagine my surprise when I just did and discovered that they're now from Manchester and not Wigan like they used to be.

Anonymous said...

LOL hard at this.

dickie ashcroft has always bored the arse off me with his (largely unsubstansiated) proclaimations of greatness. in a world marked so often by the fear of uncertainty, the mediocrity of his work post-urban hymns is an almost welcome constant.

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