Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Liverpool Echo gets overexcited by the MTV Awards

The appearance of the MTV Awards in Liverpool - or project 'see? the cultural year was a success all along, and the money we paid to MTV was worth every penny' - is causing something akin to giddiness in the Liverpool media. Any non-story is good enough to print. Like this one:

City salon prepares to pamper MTV stars

Oct 7 2008 by Tina Miles, Liverpool Echo

A LIVERPOOL beauty salon is preparing to pamper performers for this year’s MTV Europe Music Awards.

And so what preparations are in place? Have they built a special Beyonce zone? Are they ordering in extra quantities of whatever it might take to make it possible to look directly at Kid Rock?

Erm, not quite:
Celebrity haunt APT is in talks with the event’s organisers ahead of the November 6 event at the ECHO arena.

If it succeeds in sealing an exclusive deal, the Hanover Street health and wellness centre could even close its doors to the general public so stars and their entourages have private use of its facilities.

So they're not actually preparing, they're in talks about possibly being used in some way. Let's not even wonder who would expect Beyonce to use a hairdresser's in the city centre, what with her lucrative L'Oreal contract to protect and more make-up staff than I've got flying monkeys; let's just wonder why the Echo is running this story at all?

It'd barely be news if the salon had got an agreement in place, but when it's still a possibility rather than a fact it seems even more insane to run it. In a newspaper. Perhaps Keiths in Lark Lane should see how much coverage the Echo gives it if it announces that they've been kicking round the idea of offering Pink a two-for-one deal on the haloumi and house red.

Still, the paper probably just likes to do everything it can to support and build the Liverpool economy. Up to the point when it closes its printing plant in the city and relocates the formerly 'scouse and proud' title to a print shop in Oldham.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still say Stoneybridge was robbed.

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