Friday, July 02, 2010

Gordon in the morning: You're still here, are you?

Did nobody learn anything from Maureen from Driving School? Or - god help us - Jeremy Spake?

Just because someone is mildly diverting in a reality show doesn't mean that they should be invited to spread their "character" more widely. Thinly.

Sky has decided, however, that Louie Spence - imagine Chico trying to be Larry David - is too be taken from Pineapple Dance Studios and crafted into a breakout character.

And where Sky leads, The Sun dutifully follows. You almost feel sorry for Gordon Smart this morning, having to splash on a piece of nothing about a show-off showing off at The Ivy:

The Pineapple Dance Studios star caused uproar when he stripped down to his green Y-fronts in the middle of the posh Ivy Club - upstairs from the main restaurant and even more exclusive - on Wednesday night.

By a strange twist of fate - you'll never believe this - The Sun's Ally Ross just happened to be there when nothing ("it") happened. I mean, what are the odds, eh?

1 comment:

James said...

"Louie Spence - imagine Chico trying to be Larry David"

Good lord, nail/head there. He was mildly diverting for the first couple of episodes (yes, I know... I live with two people who took a couple more episodes than me to get bored of it, hence my extensive knowledge), but soon became so dull. His screentime consisted of putting on a series of zany costumes that he just happened to have close to hand, playing up to his audience of the giggling receptionist, taking the piss out of the poor sods who happened to fall short of his wackiness, or repeating the same "Turn back on roomful of people who then burst into dance routine" joke.

I think Sky imagine they've got the next big entertainer on their hands, when what they've actually got is the rights to a fly-on-the-wall documentary following the Fast Show's zany office joker Colin Hunt.

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