Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Game - he's a card

The Game came up with a funny prank. He tweeted a number and invited his fans to call it for an internship.

There was no such internship - but how funny to make your fans think there was, eh? Big laughs there, straight away.

The number was actually for the LASD. Yes, the police. They weren't thrilled with hundreds of people clogging their lines, and are threatening to pursue The Game.

How does Mr Game react? Not by saying sorry:

Yall can track a tweet down but cant solve murders ! Dat was an accident but maybe now yall can actually do yall job!!! #ispeak4thepeople
Yes, Game. Because asking one of the hundreds of people "why do you think there is an internship here?" and "solving" this case was a massive logistical challenge compared to something as simple as solving murders, isn't it?

I love the way he tries to hashtag a suggestion that wasting police time in this way was somehow actually a campaigning attempt to force police accountability. And he might have gotten away with it too, were it not for his simultaneous attempt to say it was an accident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps the police would be able to solve murders more frequently if weren't for "stop snitching" campaigns endorsed by popular rappers

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