To be frank, rather than calling in a plastic surgeon to estimate the value of the work Pete Burns has had done on his face, the Mirror might have been better off getting Sarah Beeny or one of the chaps off the Antique Roadshow. Anyway, surgeon Alex Karidis was the man they went for, and he's estimated the Burns face at being about fifty grands worth. And not money well spent, either:
"Success is always in the eye of the patient and what the surgeon sees and what the patient sees don't always correlate," he said. "It's not my taste in surgery. I think he looks slightly contrived.
"Whenever I do anything I like to make sure it looks natural. If he came to me asking for those things, I probably wouldn't agree to do them.
"But at the end of the day, if he really wants it, I'm sure there's someone out there very happy to do it for him."
Pete wasn't evicted last night - he was spared, as was George Galloway. Galloway, we suspect, because he'd spent much of the previous evening pretending to be a cat lapping cream from Rula Lenska's hands. It's a strategy he could use if he finds himself in front of the Senate again, we suppose.
Jodie Marsh - who's mainly famous for not being able to put a bra on properly - was evicted, which allowed her to give her opinion on that fifty grand face:
She branded plastic surgery addict Pete, 46, "the most hideous thing I've ever met" and added: "I wasn't sure how much longer I could sit and look at him. I defy anyone to be in there for three weeks and not want to kill themselves or him."
She's probably lucky she didn't have to share a bedroom with him two or three years back. Can you imagine the nightmares?
Earlier: Preston gets outside bookings
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