Sunday, January 08, 2006


It turns out he's been seeing a woman, a lady, a lass since November, he, erm, just hadn't mentioned it to anyone. And nor had she. Now, though, she's "let slip" that they're going out together to friends and the News of the World:

"He is so gorgeous. I fancied him and it didn't take long for things to happen."

Well, never mind; perhaps you could cuddle for a little while afterwards.

So, this relationship - a night in a hotel and then... what? Meals out, sharing the odd game of ten-pin-bowls, visits to nearby donkey sanctuaries? Erm...

I can also reveal that the couple have stayed in touch by text and phone since he returned to his home in Los Angeles. My source told me: "Emma can't wait to see him again, and Robbie seems keen too.

Ah. The three little words that every woman wants to hear: "seems keen too."

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