Sunday, March 05, 2006


The AmpSad to report that one of the better music TV channels, The Amp, has been scrapped by Chart Show TV and Sky, who have replaced its mix of old Stone Roses videos and... well, more old Stone Roses videos with a new channel called Bliss.

Bliss. As in blister, we presume. Superserving the Magic audience with non-stop Bryan Adams and Westlife style love-slush ballads.

The Amp's website ( currently says "The Amp... ...back soon", which offers a glimmer of hope, but if we had a pound for every channel website which threatened to return at some point we could offset the dotcom boom losses (there was a bloke from ITV News suggesting their axed service might be back as a broadband service at some point just this week).

Chart Show TV had taken over the day-to-day running of Sky's video channels; the Amp's two sister services, Scuzz and Flaunt, continue unmolested.

The Amp was never perfect, but at least it offered something a little different. It's back to VH2, we suppose...

1 comment:

mp3hugger said...

Sad news indeed, round these parts we can't get enough of the 4 baggy lads from manchester walking glumly around an indiscrimate set of sand dunes. Folklore is made of these things. Long live the Amp!

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