The ten most loved things this week turned out to be:
1. We'll know the Chantelle bubble has burst when the review of the week which mentioned her naked starts to wane
2. Kanye West thinks Arctic Monkeys have a dash of Phil Collins about them
3. KT Tunstall's lesbian trouser holders
4. We wonder if we should have said something about Preston naked this week
5. The review which had a double hit - Chantelle and KT
6. Yes, Britney, Avril, May 2004
7. Goldie Lookin' Chain embrace the opportunities of being downsized from their label
8. Ivor Cutler, RIP
9. Ryan Adams copyists face 11 years
10. NME Awards from the comfort of a sofa
This week, Blogger hasn't been quite as resolute as we might have liked and, certainly, sometimes we've been greeted with blank pages instead of snippy attacks on Bono. Hopefully, they'll be fixing this soon: we can only suggest trying again if it happens to you. Or going off to read Popjustice instead.
You can enjoy every single post from this week on a single page
or review the previous week in a single post
With Madonna announcing she was quitting acting, we reveiwed her entire thespianic career, from cult sex-slave to princess chum of a near-blind aardvark
...and we suggested that this might be a good way to spend any cash gifts from foreign Prime Ministers:Mogwai's Mr Beast - buy it because they hate you
Take a step beyond Arcade Fire, and discover My Latest Novel
Popular asterisked indiepop thrills
Not totally convinced Mudhoney haven't lapsed into self-parody with this one
This would have been 6x7's career-closing round-up, but they're getting back together this year
It's not quite the British Buffy, and this season does run out of steam half way through, but it's good comfort TV
A compilation of trailers for gay, lesbian and bisexual movie from mainstream cinema, 1953-1977
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