Sunday, May 14, 2006


Having got his unlikely new position as Home Secretary due to the "foreign crims at large" panic, John Reid's new Home Office is apparently trying to flex its muscles by ensuring Snoop Dogg never comes to Britain again.

A source told The People: "The Home Office is taking a tough line on him. After the foreign criminals deportation fiasco the last thing the new Home Secretary needs is a criminal flying in and out at will."

Is this entierly fair, though? His caution for the Heathrow ruck isn't grounds for excluding him, and if - as seems likely - his US record is going to be the grounds for the ban, how come it's not been important for this last fifteen years or so?

Justice is one thing, but shouldn't - in the interests of fairness - Reid explain why the sudden change? And if it's just to make him look tough, is that right?


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness! this obviously means that we won't let in the cocaine snorter Bush or the gunslinger Cheney... what a result!!!

I just but in all seriousness let's hope they keep this guy out of the country. I mean I saw him on TV last year playing at, of all things, a charity gig called "Live 8" or some such nonsense for black people or something. Now we can't have that sort of thing in this country!

Anonymous said...

That was supposed to say "I jest" but I'm too stupid to make the keyboard work.

Anonymous said...

is the person who left that last comment a crack head or a complete retard?
You KNOW wot "LIVE 8" is...considering the whole world tuned in (well the majortiy)i dunno whether u were bein funny or wot.
Personally i think its a harsh decision to ban someone for a "mini riot", you might aswell deport anyone who s involved in riots, or ban Porn Stars from entering the country, ban everyone involved with show biz entering the country, we know their either on drugs or drunk or woteva, cant have these people causing "Mini riots" and causing will they pay for it? where will they get the money? LETS START A PETITION TO GET SNOOP BACK IN! there are a hell of a lot of worser things a persn can do to get kicked out of a country for life, im not convinced Snoop's incident was one of them.

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