Fresh n Fly spill the beans
Good lord. It turns out the music industry - far from its popular image as a kind of magical fairyland where twinkly-eyed kindly managers hand out free lollipops and candy kisses to people as they ascend to celebrity status. No, it seems - and this will shock you - it's more like a nasty place where dreams are crushed by evil men just to be fed into their sex and drugs machine.We've been fed a lie all along, it appears. Luckily, Michelle Gayle - yes, Michelle Gayle - is set to reveal all by writing a book which will challenge our assumptions that getting a recording contract is a route to kittens and giggling:
"I’ve written a novel which is coming out next year. It’s going to be a real eye opener as it’s about the music industry.
"It is a fictional book, however I’ve seen a lot in my career so of course it will be based on my real experiences. I wanted to tell people what goes on."
What's that, Michelle? You've written one of those fictional novels, as opposed to the other sort of novel, then?
"At the moment it is called The Last Chance.
"It’s about three young girls who have a hard time. The main character is a music mogul who has screwed over a lot of acts."
The Last Chance, eh? That's kind of appropriate, don't you think?
We just can't imagine how the music industry has kept the lid on this darker side to its activities for so long - presumably Gayle has been emboldened by the new whistleblower legislation and the not having had a contract this side of the millennium to worry about.
Let's just hope that now she's becoming an author who writes fictional novels of fiction books that it doesn't turn out that publishing has a darker side that nobody has written a book to expose.
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