Sunday, September 03, 2006

Paris left Banksy insane

There finally is a reason to seek out Paris Hilton's CD in the shops - Banksy has slipped some modified versions into the retail swim. He's bought some of her albums, replaced the CDs and put them back into the shops:

Banksy has replaced Hilton's CD with his own remixes and given them titles such as Why am I Famous?, What Have I Done? and What Am I For?

There are, apparently, 500 doctored CDs in 48 stores across the country, in independent stores, Virgins and HMVs. An HMV spokesperson - do we detect an uncredited Gennaro Castaldo moment here? - says that they're not worried:

A spokesman for HMV said the chain had recovered seven CDs from two Brighton shops but was unaware that other locations were affected.

No customers had complained or returned a doctored version, he said.

"It's not the type of behaviour you'd want to see happening very often," he said.

"I guess you can give an individual such as Banksy a little bit of leeway for his own particular brand of artistic engagement.

"Often people might have a view on something but feel they can't always express it, but it's down to the likes of Banksy to say often what people think about things.

"And it might be that there will be some people who agree with his views on the Paris Hilton album."

The reason, we suspect, that nobody has complained is that so few people are buying the album that they're all still on the shelves.

Virgin are also trying to find doctored CDs:

A spokesman for Virgin Megastores said staff were searching for affected CDs but it was proving hard to find them all.

... in such a large pile of unsold records. Mind you, there's got to be an aspect of mental cruelty in forcing someone to listen to Hilton record after Hilton record.

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