Sunday, April 15, 2007

This one's for Linda

We'd always thought that Paul McCartney had named Flaming Pie in honour of Linda - as in "Her brand of veggie food would have had a lot more respect were it not for that Flaming Pie which got into the shops full of meat revealing that the range was made as a way of ensuring that the meat pie production line was more efficient by not having as much downtime". But maybe not.

Instead, the next McCartney album is going to be called Memory Almost Full.

Which, you know, is obviously an anagram of For My Soulmate LLM.

It's also an anagram of "a fuller slot, Mommy" and "farm yells loot, Mum", which we're sure Linda would have wanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny anagram. Paul inspires a lot of good, bad and funny things. Should we think of RAM, JET, etc

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