ISP tells RIAA: happy to help, where do we send the bill?
Given that the brilliant new idea from the RIAA is instead of wasting millions suing people, getting the ISPs to police copyrights, it's perhaps unsurprising that ISPs are asking exactly how the RIAA intends to pay for this service:
Jerry Scroggin is the owner of Bayou Internet and Communications(BIC), a small ISP based in Monroe, Louisiana with around 11,000 small business, residential, and municipal customers. BIC already receives notifications from the RIAA each month, and each time"I ask for their billing address," Scroggin told CNET. "Usually, I never hear back."
Scroggin understands the labels' need to protect their content and says he has a history of cooperating with law enforcement. In the case of RIAA notices, however, there is a lack of information to work from, but significant expense is involved when trying to track down a user who may not be doing anything wrong.
Interesting that the RIAA seem unwilling to pay for ISPs to do their work for them - it's almost as if the major labels have a team of ironists creating policy: "we'll make a lot of fuss about how bad it is for our business if people come to expect something for nothing, and then we'll tell another business we expect something for nothing..."
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