Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rihanna officially looks only half a million bucks

Rihanna spends half a million dollars a year on her body, apparently:

The 22-year-old is reported to be spending £980 a day on a personal trainer and £520 on a chef.

For that sort of money, you could sit on the sofa eating chips and cake, and just have your brain stuck into a younger, fitter body each December. (Looking forward to seeing the contextual ads served around this paragraph.)

Seriously, though: a thousand dollars a day for a personal trainer? Boy, did she ever get stitched up when she went to the gym on Janaury 2nd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hold on a second. Is that £520 a DAY on food?!?! Not only is that obscene in a world where famine and starvation exist but it means she'll never ever get on Ready Steady Cook.

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