Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gordon in the morning: Living the values

Come, let us measure today's work by Gordon Smart against the inspiring calls from his editor Rebekah Wade in her Hugh Cudlipp lecture.


With these market forces, it's even more important to remember why we exist: Journalism.

KYLIE MINOGUE has recorded a song with Aussie kids’ music group THE WIGGLES — after I revealed last year she was desperate to team up with the four cheesy lads in coloured tops.

Great press campaigns can change history and shape new laws. They can build a bridge between public opinion and public policy.

Stevie-Louise, wearing blue, said: “Russell [Brand] took his clothes off as soon as we got through his front door. He was definitely wanting a threesome — and he thought he was going to get one.”

Campaigns provide a unique connection to the public especially when the subject matter is of a serious nature.

“I like going to sleep with nice thoughts in my head. I’ll always pick When Harry Met Sally over Saw V.”

James [Corden] reveals the shocking truth in the March issue of movie mag Empire.

The newsroom needs journalists who have great contacts, the reporters who can break the news not just report it, the photographers that can bring in the exclusives.

NOEL GALLAGHER reckons playing guitar steered him away from a life of crime.

The OASIS axeman, who lived in the Manchester suburb of Burnage as a child, tells Total Guitar magazine...

The quality of our journalism will make or break our industry, not the recession.

Failed Yorkshire businessman KEITH LEMON has gone one better by enticing Page 3 beauties BECKY and CHELSEA to dance with him.

Our ancient craft is to tell many people what few people know.

I reckon COLEEN ROONEY must have spent at least a grand on bikinis for her hols.

WAYNE'S curvy missus displayed YET ANOTHER snazzy design as she relaxed on the beach in the Caribbean with her parents COLETTE and TONY, as well as brother JOE.


Anonymous said...

great article Simon, many thanks - do you think Wade really believes that? Or even worse, believes it, yet continues to publish that rubbish?

Unknown said...


Olive said...

There's more on Wade's breathtaking hypocrisy here:

Olive said...

Our ancient craft is to tell many people what few people know

Yeah. Try searching the sun web site for "Wade arrested assault ross kemp" and see how many hits you get.

Anonymous said...

"Our ancient craft is to tell many people what few people know"

...and to try and ignore it when those many people reply "Yes, we read that on Holy Moly last week"

WE ARE said...

Very good.

Catty said...

this is beautiful.

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